Piña and the mountains.

Well. Sorry that its been a few days. We were in Santiago de Chuco from Tuesday to Friday and the internet there was as slow as molasses. We moved to Huamachuco yesterday, and will be here until Wednesday. The beauty is breathtaking here.. quite literally - cuz i have asthma. Ha!

The students have been doing so great. They are fighting against the tiredness of the altitude... and we love them. alot.

Piña is the spanish word for pineapple. If you really knew me you would know that the clear gummy bears are my favorite because they are pineapple flavored. And, if you knew me REALLY well you would know that piña juice is one of my favorite Peruvian things. My mom keeps telling me you can get it in the States, but i dont believe her. So. In lieu of my addiction to all things pineapple flavored, my dear partner has taken to calling me Piña. and im quite fond of it.

The Lord has been doing marvelous things. Both of these cities are without Bible believing churches, so our efforts, along with Titos follow up will hopefully get the ball rolling. Pray about these things. We leave Tito with a stack of response cards in each city, and its pretty much only him doing all the work afterwards.

Well. We love you alot. We are so thankful for all your prayers. Continue to pray for my roommates dad and for the Hugheys who arrived in Peru early this morning for 3 weeks.


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Jordan Hughey and Kristin Dutt

We are spending the summer in Peru with 19 fantastic students from all over the US! We will use a drama that stories the Bible from creation and the fall to Christ's victory over sin. The students will learn to share the gospel one-on-one with the Peruvians after the drama. Hughey and I are responsible for the team on a day to day basis - safety, basic discipleship and fun! We will have a bagillion crazy things to share. So. Stay tuned.