home sweet dallas.

we are alive and well! safe and sound in dallas.. debriefing with our team! 

thanks for all your prayers. we love you! 

Coming home...

We fly home tonight! Pray for safety and easy transfers and ease as we move through customs!

We will do some final updates this weekend after we return home! Thanks for all your prayers.

We leave Lima at 11:30pm tonight, arrive in Miami at 5:30am central time, and to Dallas just before 10am.


Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish

Good evening from the fish capital of the world - Chimbote, Peru. It might not actually be the fish capital, but it sure smells like it. Its a lovely coastal city... and i'm pretty sure its famous for its fish. there are boats everywhere!

anyway. i have a wonderful story! We were at our last drama site today..and Hughey and i were at our usual post behind Barney and this Peruvian girl came up and sat with us and spoke to us in clear english. It was good to hear - but quite foreign. She asked where we went to school... and she said she went to school in Missouri! i'm from missouri! She goes to Lee's Summit North High School in KC! What?!?!? Her family is from Lima and they moved to the States 7 years ago. Her English is impeccable. She works at the Sonic on Langsford! Anyway. I walked through the gospel with her.. she said she believed... i pushed some... she didnt really respond. I asked her if she had a relationship with Jesus and she said she did... so. Continue to pray for her. Her name is Cris/Kris.. she's 17. i might see her tomorrow and definitely plan to see her after i return home.

Chimbote has been wonderful so far. We are staying in a beautiful hotel. The weather has been gorgeous. The fish smell is only mildly overwhelming. Our students are doing wonderfully. They are giving everything they have during these last few days of ministry. We will do ministry all day tomorrow and half of the day sunday. We will travel back to Trujillo in the afternoon and rest. We will do some debriefing stuff on Monday and then take an overnight bus back to Lima on monday night. All day tuesday will be shopping in Lima and then we fly back overnight! We arrive in Dallas wednesday morning, Lord willing. We will finish debriefing with the teams from other countries and then return home to Little Rock and KC on Friday morning. I cant believe its almost over. the Lord has been so good already and i cant wait to see what He has in store for the last week.

we love you all. thanks for being wonderful!

Huam is no bueno interneto

I`m not gonna lie. Internet here is terrible. So sorry Again for the lack of posts. We do love all of you I promise!

But here we are, last night in Huamachuco, and what an experience it has been. we have done about 5 dramas a day since we have been here and have seen incredible amounts of people give their hearts to the Lord. Our students stories of divine encounters have been very encouraging. Its inspiring to see the enthusiasm in new believers faces. Today, during our last drama, one of the men that had given his heart to the Lord offered to allow us to use his home to help start a church. He was extremely eager to learn more about Christ and begin meeting with other believers. This has been a true answer to prayer for us and the nationals we are working with. This is a very dark place without a church. But now this is a dark place with many new believers and the beginnings of a church.

By the way - the cheese here is rocking awesome.

Despite the heaviness, we have seen God move in incredible ways in our personal lives as well. Many of our students have begun to critically evaluate where God is calling them and they are hearing His voice like they never have before. We had a worship experience the other day in which every student felt the presence of God strongly in their hearts. Many of the students were crying and on their faces before God as they felt Him move. It was phenomenal.

Kristin absolutely wiped out the other day. Dont ever let her run on concrete floors in Chacos. Unless you want to laugh. (In my defense - hughey did not move one muscle when i fell. He didnt even come to see if i was alive. I felt so loved.) (In my defense - had I moved, I would have dropped about 5 gallons of water all over the floor. and I did ask before I started laughing.)

Sorry for the inability to comment. I am going to try and figure that out now. Cause i have really been missing yalls lovin. Thanks for all your prayers. Pray for perserverance as we enter the last week and a half.

Much love, Hughster.

Piña and the mountains.

Well. Sorry that its been a few days. We were in Santiago de Chuco from Tuesday to Friday and the internet there was as slow as molasses. We moved to Huamachuco yesterday, and will be here until Wednesday. The beauty is breathtaking here.. quite literally - cuz i have asthma. Ha!

The students have been doing so great. They are fighting against the tiredness of the altitude... and we love them. alot.

Piña is the spanish word for pineapple. If you really knew me you would know that the clear gummy bears are my favorite because they are pineapple flavored. And, if you knew me REALLY well you would know that piña juice is one of my favorite Peruvian things. My mom keeps telling me you can get it in the States, but i dont believe her. So. In lieu of my addiction to all things pineapple flavored, my dear partner has taken to calling me Piña. and im quite fond of it.

The Lord has been doing marvelous things. Both of these cities are without Bible believing churches, so our efforts, along with Titos follow up will hopefully get the ball rolling. Pray about these things. We leave Tito with a stack of response cards in each city, and its pretty much only him doing all the work afterwards.

Well. We love you alot. We are so thankful for all your prayers. Continue to pray for my roommates dad and for the Hugheys who arrived in Peru early this morning for 3 weeks.

Blue Skies and All Kinds of Rain.

Ok, so here´s the scoop...
I believe Sunday was the last post day. (Our apologies to those of you asking for more posts...) Monday we left Chiclayo at 8 in the morning, took a fantastic, stinky bus ride back to Trujillo. We arrived at about 12, got some much needed rest, and went to the mall the afternoon. After a some grocery shopping we went to Tito´s house where his wife had cooked up some incredible spaghetti and homemade sauce. Quite delectible. A fun taxi ride, semi-restful night of sleep, and then on a bus at 8 wonderful o´clock again to head to Santiago de Chuco! All I´m gonna say is many liquids were ¨spilled¨ on this lovely ride up the mountains... Finally here, we rested a bit and then sent students out to prayer walk. It was the group consensus that this city is very dark and desperate for the light of the gospel. Many students stated they strongly felt God is going to do a great work here. And we have already seen the beginning of that. God moved in mighty ways this morning and many people have already come to know a relationship with Christ. God´s glory is phenomenal. I only wish you could see first hand what we are seeing every day. Words will never be adequate.

More apologies for lack of updates, but it will probably be the weekend before we can update again.

Pray for our students strength. The spiritual warfare is here. But our God has All Authority.

We love you guys.

We´re moving on...

I hope the title incited a memory of a Rascal Flatts song.. but here at Awe Star we dont listen to secular music, so dont quote me on that.

The past few days have been wonderful. Excuse our lack of posting. My sweet mother reminded me that i have to keep the people happy. so here i am, trying to keep smiles on all the faces.

We finished up a busy week of drama performances last night.. on the 4th of July! My favorite holiday! Our precious students have done 40 dramas since last Sunday. thats pretty incredible. The gospel is being proclaimed in Peru and for that we can praise the Lord!

this afternoon began a few days off. I enjoyed mine with a 2 hour nap. Yes, Nita and Jamie - a 2 hour nap! It was splendid.

This evening we had a talent show! The prize was this stellar turkey made out of seashells - made by our good friend the Street Vendor. Precious Berned won for memorizing Colossians 3:1-17. He´s pretty awesome.

Tomorrow we go back to Trujillo for one night, and then off to the mountains on tuesday! I cant wait for the beauty of the mountains. Its my favorite part of Peru!

thank you for your continued prayers. We battled some illness this week, but your prayers pulled us through. Thanks for much for partnering with us!

Also. My (kristin) dear roommate, Megan´s, father is in the hospital in Nashville... please pray for her and her father and for a recovery. This poses alot of questions, i´m sure, but dont ask them. Just pray.

We will have more pictures on the next post. We love you!

Jordan Hughey and Kristin Dutt

We are spending the summer in Peru with 19 fantastic students from all over the US! We will use a drama that stories the Bible from creation and the fall to Christ's victory over sin. The students will learn to share the gospel one-on-one with the Peruvians after the drama. Hughey and I are responsible for the team on a day to day basis - safety, basic discipleship and fun! We will have a bagillion crazy things to share. So. Stay tuned.