Huam is no bueno interneto

I`m not gonna lie. Internet here is terrible. So sorry Again for the lack of posts. We do love all of you I promise!

But here we are, last night in Huamachuco, and what an experience it has been. we have done about 5 dramas a day since we have been here and have seen incredible amounts of people give their hearts to the Lord. Our students stories of divine encounters have been very encouraging. Its inspiring to see the enthusiasm in new believers faces. Today, during our last drama, one of the men that had given his heart to the Lord offered to allow us to use his home to help start a church. He was extremely eager to learn more about Christ and begin meeting with other believers. This has been a true answer to prayer for us and the nationals we are working with. This is a very dark place without a church. But now this is a dark place with many new believers and the beginnings of a church.

By the way - the cheese here is rocking awesome.

Despite the heaviness, we have seen God move in incredible ways in our personal lives as well. Many of our students have begun to critically evaluate where God is calling them and they are hearing His voice like they never have before. We had a worship experience the other day in which every student felt the presence of God strongly in their hearts. Many of the students were crying and on their faces before God as they felt Him move. It was phenomenal.

Kristin absolutely wiped out the other day. Dont ever let her run on concrete floors in Chacos. Unless you want to laugh. (In my defense - hughey did not move one muscle when i fell. He didnt even come to see if i was alive. I felt so loved.) (In my defense - had I moved, I would have dropped about 5 gallons of water all over the floor. and I did ask before I started laughing.)

Sorry for the inability to comment. I am going to try and figure that out now. Cause i have really been missing yalls lovin. Thanks for all your prayers. Pray for perserverance as we enter the last week and a half.

Much love, Hughster.


Anonymous July 15, 2009 at 11:37 AM  

Mr. Jordan Hughey, I am so disappointed that you would LAUGH at my precious daughter. How could you???? I was hoping that we could be friends but I am afraid that won't happen now due to your lack of consideration for a fallen sister. Oh, wait.....could it be pride cometh before the fall???? :)

Joshua Smith July 16, 2009 at 1:46 PM  

hughey I wish I was there to see Kristin bite it. haha

Anonymous July 18, 2009 at 11:53 AM  

Hahaha!!! Unfortunately all I can think about is the fact that Kristin bit it.... I'll have to reread this and skip that part. But Hughey...You did what any good friend would do and I say Kudos sir.


Marti Pieper July 19, 2009 at 10:48 PM  

I tried to add a more spiritual note to this commentary the other night and (as usual) it absolutely would not post.

So, since your trip is almost over and I don't have a great need to sound spiritual, may I simply say that this TD relationship brings new meaning to the LOA Factor.

And on another note: I have been honored to lift you up. Dust or not.

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Jordan Hughey and Kristin Dutt

We are spending the summer in Peru with 19 fantastic students from all over the US! We will use a drama that stories the Bible from creation and the fall to Christ's victory over sin. The students will learn to share the gospel one-on-one with the Peruvians after the drama. Hughey and I are responsible for the team on a day to day basis - safety, basic discipleship and fun! We will have a bagillion crazy things to share. So. Stay tuned.